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How to create a Billing System with C#?


Billing System with C# by Vijay Thapa

This is a simple desktop application developed in Microsoft platform while creating a Course for YouTube.

In this course 

  • You will learn to design Desktop App using Microsoft Visual Studio.
  • You will learn to Create a Relational Database for a real word application using MSQ SQL Server.
  • You will create a fully functional real world desktop application with C# programming language.
  • You will learn to create Features and UI for both Admin and Staffs.
  • You will learn to add a bill printing feature.

Access "Billing System with C#" Full Course Now.

Tools and Technologies Used

  1. C# programming language in 3-tier architecture
  2. MS SQL Server 2014
  3. Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 (IDE)
  4. Git & Github (Version Control)

Modules and Features

  1. User Module - Manages all the User (Add New, Update and Delete Existing)
  2. Category Module - Manages all the Category for products (Add New, Update and Delete Existing)
  3. Product Module - Manages all the Product (Add New, Update and Delete Existing)
  4. Purchase and Sales Module - Purchase Products from Dealer and Sell Products to Consumers
  5. Transactions Module - View the Products Purchased and Sold on Particular dates.

Instructions to Use Billing System

  1. Download or Clone the source code from Here:
  2. Extract the Database and restore (Follow Restoring part of this tutorial 
  3. Open the solution file in visual studio (If you can't open, try deleting the folder with '.vs/something')
  4. Now, Use anyway you like.

Login Credentials for Billing System

For Admin

Username: admin Password: admin

For User

Username: user Password: user

For any queries, Email at - [email protected]

Get the Code

Click the button below to download the "Billing System" C# project.


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