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Create Your Own Desktop Application in C#

Create Your Own Desktop Application for Free, Vijay Thapa


1. Add Contact using Form
2. Display Contacts on Data Grid View
3. Update existing Contact
4. Delete Existing Contact

Technology Used

1. C# (C Sharp) Programming Language and 3-tier architecture of Software Development
2. MS SQL Server Database and Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)

Tools Used: 

1. SQL Server Management Studio
2. Visual Studio

Step by Step Guide to Create Simple C-Sharp (C#) Desktop Application

my YouTube Channel: (SUBSCRIBE)

1. Design Home Page (Form) of the Application

2. Creating and Connecting Database with Your Application

3. Creating Business Logic Layer - BLL (Getters and Setters) and Data Access Layer - DAL (Methods to Add, Update and Delete Contacts)

my YouTube Channel:

4. Adding Actual Functionality to Add, Update and Delete Contacts in Database

5. Adding Search Functionality in Our E-Contact Application


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