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Bug Tracking Application Assignment Source Code

Bug Tracking Application
Bug Tracking Application

Bug Tracking Application is a robust, featureful and mature defect-tracking system, or bug-tracking system. Defect-tracking systems allow teams of developers to keep track of outstanding bugs, problems, issues, enhancement and other change requests in their products effectively.

This application was developed to track bugs/errors on software development projects and solve them later. It was developed using C# programming language as a College Assignment.

Technologies Used

  • C#
  • MS SQL Server 2014
  • Bitbucket

It can do

  • Add/Manage Users like (Testers, Debuggers and Admins)
  • Add Projects to find Bugs
  • Add Bugs (Code and Screenshot) with message
  • Assign and Manage Tasks to the Users (Testers and Debuggers)
  • Link Projects to Github


  • Improve Communication
  • Increase Product Quality
  • Improve Customer Satisfaction
  • Ensure Accountability
  • Increase Productivity

Instructions to use this project

  1. Download the project from github (CLICK HERE to DOWNLOAD)
  2. Extract folder
  3. Restore Database using Database.bak file
  4. Now open the Bug Tracking Solution file in Visual Studio and Connect the Database

Note: This project is for educational purpose only, and feel free to customize & use as per your need. But I do not encourage any students to submit this project as their own.


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