In the previous episode, we have created methods to SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE products in database.
In this episode, we will display all the categories from database into the combo box in our product form. For this, we will create a method to select categories from database and use it to display categories on combo box in our product form load event.
Methods and Events used in this episodes are as follows
Method to Select all the Categories and Display in Combobox
We will be using the same select method we create in previous episode, which is as follows
public DataTable Select()
//Creating Database Connection
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(myconnstrng);
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
//Wrting SQL Query to get all the data from DAtabase
string sql = "SELECT * FROM tbl_categories";
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, conn);
SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
//Open DAtabase Connection
//Adding the value from adapter to Data TAble dt
catch(Exception ex)
return dt;
Event to Display Categories in Combobox when the form is loaded
First, create a product form load event and then paste the following code inside the event
//Creating DAta Table to hold the categories from Database
DataTable categoriesDT = cdal.Select();
//Specify DataSource for Category ComboBox
cmbCategory.DataSource = categoriesDT;
//Specify Display Member and Value Member for Combobox
cmbCategory.DisplayMember = "title";
cmbCategory.ValueMember = "title";
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